The Swan Song


Proudly present

A staged reading of the first scene of the first act of the Operetta


The entire neighborhood is out on the square, the wedding of Jaques and Gilles Bonaparty has taken place, and the reception is outdoors. A makeshift bar, a dance floor, tables and a tent filled with lights. Music is playing. Time: End of wedding, sundown.......

Where we meet:

The Bar family:
Hilaria (soprano): Amateur botanist, world traveler for good causes (our Romeo)
Sylvan (alto): Hilarias’ best friend, half-blind gigolo, ex-Ethnographer
Florian (tenor): Nephew of Tante Auguste, family historian, secretly in love with Poppy
Tante Auguste (basso): Matriarch of the bar, political dragon, rumored to be involved in an affair with Diana
Poppy: Is the comrade in arms to Tante Auguste, loves poppy cake and lives with Fritzy

The Gallery family:
Hannah (bariton): A complacent menial worker in the culture industry, wife of Heschel (our Julia)
Patience (mezzosoprano): Idealist Gallery owner and best friend of Hannah, has secrets concerning Diana
Diana (alto): Goddess and single mother who lives with Patience, and works for Patience
Heschel (soprano): Husband of Hannah, lawyer and a dandy who is carrying on an affair with Sylvan
Melanie (coleratura soprano): Ingénue, artist
Hobbes (tenor): Aging aquarellist

Toto: Self-satisfied City council worker

Libretto written by: Ida Wilde and G-Bliss
Score composition by: Jennifer Rash and Koko Schanel
Choreography: Rut Waldeyer and Conrad Noack
Music performed by: The Wedding Band
Costumes and Make-up designed by: Lacöschte

Performed by: Conrad Noack, Eduard Mont de Palol, Keren Ida Nathan, Martin Ertl, Mirjam Junker, Rut Waldeyer, Ulrike Ertl and Wonderfully Kind Guests!

At 8’o’clock / 20:00 uhr

On Saturday / Samstag 4th of December 2010

Free Entrance

Drinking is encouraged during the performance

(the performance is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes long)

Die drei Räuber

Sonntag 14.11.2010
15:00 Spuk Kommune

Die drei Räuber
Deutschland 2007 - 75 Min.

Amüsante Verfilmung eines antiautoritären Kinderbuchs von Tomi Ungerer aus dem Jahr 1963.
Um nach dem Tod ihrer Eltern dem Waisenhaus zu entkommen gibt die kleine Tiffany bei einem Überfall der drei Räuber an, die Tochter eines Maharadschas zu sein. Die Räuber entführen sie, um später Lösegeld zu erpressen und bringen sie in eine Höhle, wo sie sich mit der Zeit jedoch mit ihr anfreunden...

mit Kuchen und Limonade.